Showcase Plethodontohyla guentheri Uroplatus ebenaui in Nosy Be Uroplatus sikorae, as found. Click to enlarge. Uroplatus lineatus Calumma oshaughnessyi Calumma sp. nov. Victoria crowned pigeon Rhombophryne sp. nov. Phisalixella variabilis Furcifer willsii Stumpffia psologlossa in Nosy Be Mantidactylus ulcerosus in Nosy Be One of my favourite shots from the trip: a bird’s nest fern sits on a vine, while Indri call above me. Phisalixella variabilis Uroplatus phantasticus Uroplatus ebenaui in Nosy Be Unusual in the extreme. How did it get there? A species of Brookesia Trachylepis elegans Though it may look like a worm, this miniature behaves just like any other snake. Madatyphlops sp. aff. arenarius. Uroplatus lineatus Boophis andreonei Uroplatus sp. aff. henkeli “north” Furcifer pardalis juvenile Rhombophryne testudo in Nosy Be Madagascarophis meridionalis Brookesia cf. tuberculata is a species found in the leaflitter in restricted altitude zones on Montagne d’Ambre I will never get tired of this photo. Phelsuma lineata Boophis andreonei Uroplatus phantasticus in its nocturnal hunting position. Rhombophryne sp. nov. Corfu is full of cats. I believe there are four in this picture alone. A sifaka with her baby Uroplatus fotsivava Phelsuma grandis Phisalixella variabilis Share this:Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...