
Clicks – Wild Expressions

It’s important to remember that it’s a combination of light, composition and focus that make a photograph technically good, but expression and behaviour that make a wildlife photograph truly memorable. Also, as far as Zoos go, it doesn’t get much better than Zurich. If you must shoot at a zoo, […]

Bright Red Bird in Zurich Zoo

Eurasian Lynx in Lange Erlen

Clicks – Rare Opportunities

Sometimes a zoo or wildlife park (in this case Lange Erlen in Basel) affords you opportunities that you would never have on a normal day out with your camera. But never underestimate the value of patience. A friend and I waited three hours for 10 minutes of action from this […]

Flesh fly on rhododendron

Clicks – Life Up Close

Rhododendrons make some of the very best habitats for finding shots. They’re full of insects from early spring to late fall, and the leaves just make the perfect rich background and setting.

Clicks – Close for Comfort

I’ve decided to start a new series of blogs. These will be more common, more simple, straight photography. They will contain one shot each, and a few words about the shot – related to how it was taken, the subject, or some other piece of fun and interesting information. The […]

Phelsuma grandis licking water off a leaf

Patagonian Sea Lion taking a nap

Differences 5

When it comes to wildlife photography, there are essentially two groups of people. The first group go out, sit, and wait. These are the people who have the patience, skill, and determination, to get that shot. Then there’s the second group. These people claim to be wildlife photographers, but really, […]

Wood Pigeon in Holyrood Park

Pheasants in the Park

Sometimes life grabs you by the neck and drags you along. The last few weeks have been really tough, what with exams and everything, but despite this, I have been faithfully trudging on with at least some photography. I’ve been shooting photographs every day (missed only one so far!) for […]

Swan Lake

Swans are some of the most excellent birds for the starting photographer. They have become tame to the point of stupidity – it is far too easy to get far too close to a swan for your own safety. This has two implications. Number one: photographers get bitten. Number two: […]