Travel Photography

2024 Expedition to Southeastern Madagascar

The ridge of mountains that runs parallel to Madagascar’s east coast descend in short order into rolling hills, followed by sand dunes, and ultimately meet the Indian Ocean. These rolling hills and sand dunes were once cloaked in low-elevation humid forest and littoral forest. Today those habitats are some of […]

2016 Expedition to Marojejy 3

Marojejy is a rainforest-clad mountain massif in northeastern Madagascar. The park was established in 1952 as a strict nature reserve, but was changed to a national park in 1998[1]. Several notable biological research expeditions have been led to this mountain, the most significant of which was the Goodman expedition in […]

Clicks: Village Life

This is a heavily cropped and somewhat edited shot from Madagascar in 2012. I shot almost continuously out of the window of our car as we drove from Andasibe back into Antananarivo to catch the flight home. Some of the resulting shots were salvageable. I particularly like all the things […]

Madagascar – The Funerals

During our 7 week stay in Kobokara, there were two funerals. Fortunately, only one of these deaths actually happened whilst we were in the village; when we arrived, the first funeral had already been going on for three months. This gave us a unique opportunity to witness funeral culture in […]

Madagascar – The Places 3

Fort Dauphin Fort Dauphin has a strange atmosphere to it. It is as though its history of great touristic and industrial activity has vanished, leaving behind what is, in places, almost a ghost town. It is eerily quiet, outside of the marketplace, and the beautiful hotels which rise above the […]

Madagascar – The People

I have so many photos to share in this post, I don’t actually have enough words to describe them all, so I have decided to use a different technique. Click an image, and you can scroll through them. how cool is that? The people of Madagascar are of extremely mixed […]

Madagascar – The Trip

Hello again! Back now from my expedition to Madagascar, it is time for me to get back to blogging. That’s not just photo blogging; we are going to be uploading blogs to the expedition website, so you can also read those if you want to know how the whole thing […]