
2024 Expedition to Southeastern Madagascar

The ridge of mountains that runs parallel to Madagascar’s east coast descend in short order into rolling hills, followed by sand dunes, and ultimately meet the Indian Ocean. These rolling hills and sand dunes were once cloaked in low-elevation humid forest and littoral forest. Today those habitats are some of […]

Photos from the field: Montagne d’Ambre, 2017–2018

From November 2017 to January 2018, I was in Madagascar conducting research on the herpetofauna of Montagne d’Ambre, an isolated rainforest mountain in the north of the island. I have posted about the research we were conducting separately before it began, during the fieldwork, and at the end, but largely with the […]

2016 Expedition to Marojejy 3

Marojejy is a rainforest-clad mountain massif in northeastern Madagascar. The park was established in 1952 as a strict nature reserve, but was changed to a national park in 1998[1]. Several notable biological research expeditions have been led to this mountain, the most significant of which was the Goodman expedition in […]

Clicks: Village Life

This is a heavily cropped and somewhat edited shot from Madagascar in 2012. I shot almost continuously out of the window of our car as we drove from Andasibe back into Antananarivo to catch the flight home. Some of the resulting shots were salvageable. I particularly like all the things […]

Clicks: Phelsuma mutabilis

This website has been dead for too long. I hope to revive it in the near future, coupled with a change of domain and a shift in focus. That is to say, there is a great deal of change coming up. In the meantime, I plan to upload a few […]

Phelsuma mutabilis on a tree in southern Madagascar


Montana really deserves its title as “The Big Sky State”. It is truly the promised land for the panoramic photographer. As I didn’t bring my tripod with me on my trip, I shot only two panoramas on my D800 (the first two below). The rest were shot with the native […]

Andasibe-Mantadia National Park

I have finally gotten around to it! I bring you now my final installment from Madagascar 2012; Rainforest. After my work for Operation Wallacea had come to a close, and I had recovered from some mystery illness that befell me the day all the volunteers left, Brandon Semel (my lemur-loving […]

Herpetography – Getting Close

I have gone on at some length about the necessity of knowing your subject, and being able to get close when you are working with reptiles. However, it has been brought to my attention that saying it and teaching it are two entirely different matters. This post should give you […]